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Meet Shuffle – The Sustainable Closet App

Updated: Apr 4, 2021

Fast fashion is a problem we’re all aware of. Our buying habits have changed - fuelled by the convenience of online shopping and the rise of cut-price fashion. It’s almost impossible to paint an accurate picture of the harm caused by fast fashion. The environmental damage ranges from carbon emissions to landfill levels and water pollution.

On an ethical level, there are questions about the corporate practices of fast fashion companies. We've all read stories about modern slavery and unsafe working conditions. Yet, there is an alternative to fast fashion.

The fashion industry is one of the leading causes of pollution in the environment, doing more harm than both international flights and maritime shipping combined. We could write a dissertation on the environmental damage caused by fast fashion, but here are some headlines you should know:

  • Due to the rise in demand, clothing production has doubled since 2000, with most of these garments falling into the ‘fast fashion’ category.

  • 10% of the world’s carbon emission comes from just the fashion industry.

  • If we allow the fast fashion industry to continue to grow at its current rate within the next 30 years, this number will jump to 26%.

  • The fashion industry uses 1.5 trillion liters of water every year, while 750 million people do not have access to safe drinking water.

  • It takes 2000 gallons of water to produce one pair of jeans.

  • The Aral Sea has been turned into a desert after 50 years of cotton farming.

  • 35% of the microplastics in the oceans come from synthetic textiles such as polyester, which are popular amongst fast fashion brands.

These statistics only scratch the surface, but they give you an idea of the harm caused by our fast fashion addiction. Everything from the production to the shipping and how we get rid of our clothing is harming the world around us.

The world of social media and digital influencers fuels fast fashion. We feel like we constantly need the newest ‘it’ fashion item or the latest trend to appear on TikTok or Instagram. The lifespan of our clothes has halved since 2000, with people purchasing 60% more clothing in 2014 than they were buying in 2000. Three-fifths of all clothing garments end up in a landfill or incinerator within a year of being purchased. Greenpeace has estimated that 20% of clothing that we buy isn’t even worn once, with the average wear of each product being as few as four times.

‘Fast fashion’ is a 21st-century invention that needs a modern solution – that is where Shuffle comes in. Our app allows you to create a virtual copy of your wardrobe. You can arrange your virtual closet into section and create collages to help you plan outfits for every day or special occasions. You’ll get advice from our online community and team of stylists on each outfit. It’s a two-way street. You can give advice to other users to help them curated their closet.

With Shuffle, you can revitalize your closet and rediscover the clothes you own with the help of our app. You’ll never be able to say, “I’ve nothing to wear”, and you’ll know exactly what’s in your closet. Our app will help you save money, extend the lifespan of your clothes, and reduce your carbon footprint.

Join the sustainable fashion revolution today by downloading Shuffle from the Android or Apple store.

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